Overcoming the Fear of Failure as a Creative
Photo by Анна Рыжкова
Every single one of us has failed at something at one point or another. And we're going to fail at something else somewhere down the line. It's what we learn from failure that helps us grow. When we overcome our fear of failure, we open ourselves up to learning from the experiences life has to offer.
Failure is a part of life, there's no getting around it. No matter how successful someone is, they have failed at something somewhere in life. The key to their success is that they didn't allow the fear of failure to hold them back from moving ahead and achieving their goals.
As a creative, it’s almost essential to fail. Failure allows us to experiment and try new things without the fear of judgement. Without failing, we would never know what works and what doesn’t. We would never explore new areas of creativity. And we would never truly know the satisfaction of overcoming a difficult challenge.
Different Ways Fear of Failure Manifests
It's normal to feel some level of anxiety or stress when faced with the possibility of failure. After all, no one wants to experience the embarrassment and shame that comes with not meeting their goals. However, for some people, the fear of failure is so strong that it prevents them from even trying. They might avoid taking risks, or they might stick to things they know they're good at to minimize the chance of failing.
There are a number of different ways that fear of failure manifests itself. For some people, it's a general sense of anxiety or dread that comes with any situation where they might not succeed. Others might have more specific fears, such as public speaking or taking tests. Some people might be able to manage their fear and still take risks, while others might avoid anything that could lead to failure.
Why Do We Tend to Fear Failure More as Creatives?
Part of it has to do with the way we're wired. We're constantly bombarded with messages telling us that we need to be perfect, and that any mistake is a sign of weakness. This perfectionism can lead us to believe that if our work isn't perfect, it's not worth putting out there at all.
Another reason why failure is so scary for creatives is because our work is so personal. Even if we're creating for a client, our creative work is part of who we are. It's hard to watch something you poured your heart and soul into get shot down or criticized. So what can you do about this fear of failure?
Creatives tend to fear failure more because our livelihoods depend on our creativity. If we can't be creative, we can't make a living. This fear can lead to a paralysis of creativity. To overcome the fear of failure, creatives need to understand that failure is a part of the creative process and accept it as such. We also need to have faith in our abilities and remember that even the greatest artists had failures along their paths to success.
Identifying the Root Cause of Fear of Failure
One cause for fear of failure is a lack of self-confidence. When people lack self-confidence, they may doubt their ability to succeed at tasks or meet goals. As a result, they may be more likely to avoid undertaking those new projects or challenges altogether.
Another possible cause for the fear of failure is perfectionism. Perfectionists often have excessively high standards for themselves and feel that anything less than perfection is unacceptable. This can lead them to avoid taking risks or putting forth their best effort, out of fear that they will not meet their own high standards.
Other causes for the fear of failure may include past experiences with failure, witnessing others' failures, or fearing negative judgement from others. Those who have experienced failure firsthand may be more likely to associate it with feelings of shame and embarrassment.
How To Get Past the Fears
It's normal to feel afraid of failing at something. We all want to succeed, and sometimes the fear of not meeting our own expectations or someone else's can be overwhelming. But there are ways to overcome the fear of failure and become more confident in our abilities.
1. Acknowledge your fears. Admitting that you're afraid can be difficult, but it's an important first step in addressing the issue. Once you've acknowledged your fear, you can begin to work on overcoming it.
2. Identify your triggers. What situations or tasks make you feel most anxious about failing? Once you know what your triggers are, you can start to address them head-on.
3. Reframe your thinking. If you're feeling overwhelmed, take some time to assess the situation. What are your chances for success? All failures are not created equal, so try to put a positive spin on what might seem like an insurmountable task. How much does this really matter in the grand scheme of things?
4. Talk to people who have overcome their fear of failure. It's easy to get caught up in the "no one else has done it, so why should I?" mentality. Get some perspective from those who have overcome their fear of failure by talking with them about their experiences and asking for advice on how they achieved success.
5. Set realistic goals. Don’t put pressure on yourself to be perfect. Set realistic goals and don’t expect too much from yourself. This will help you avoid disappointment and frustration.
6. Accept that failure is part of the process. You’re not going to be successful all the time. In fact, most people fail more than they succeed. Failure is just part of the journey. Embrace it and learn from it.
Unleashing Creativity!
Failure is a natural part of life. It can lead to feelings of shame, embarrassment, and worthlessness. But it’s important to remember that everyone fails at something at some point. Failure isn’t a measure of your worth as a person. It’s possible to overcome the fear of failure with effort, non-judgement, and patience.
We all know that feeling of anxiety and dread when we are about to do something that we are not sure we can succeed at. But if we let that feeling control us, we will never accomplish anything. We need to push through the fear in order to receive what waits for us on the other side.
So next time you’re feeling scared or discouraged by the prospect of failure, remember that it is essential for creative success and success in general. Embrace your failures and use them as opportunities to learn, grow, and continue being awesome!